
907 products
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Traditional cheese bread - Frozen product (Pão de Queijo Tradicional Congelado) - MONSIEUR PÃO DE QUEIJO - 1kg (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website) Traditional cheese bread - Frozen product (Pão de Queijo Tradicional Congelado) - MONSIEUR PÃO DE QUEIJO - 1kg (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website)
Goiabada Poli - PREDILECTA - 600g - Mon Petit Brésil
Instant Noodles Beef Flavor - PREDILECTA - 74.3g
Premium Hydrated Tapioca (Hydrated Premium Tapioca Mani) - BHARS - 500g
Filter Holder - MELITTA - 103
Thick Yellow Water Flour (Farinha D’Água Amarela Grossa - Farinha de Puba) - NORTHERN DELICACIES - 1kg
Brown Beans "Carioca" (Feijão Carioca) - CAMIL - 1kg
Sugar Cane Molasses (Melado de Cana) - SUPERBOM - 330g - Promotion
Sodium Bicarbonate (Original Fruit Salt Bottle) - ENO - 150g - Promotion
Japanese Peanut Appetizers (Amendoim Japonês) - RIO - 100g - Promotion
Sweet popcorn (Pipoca Doce) - GRANDMA - 40g - Promotion
LIGHT Coconut Milk (Leite de Coco Light) - SOCOCO - 200ml - Promotion
Malted Coconut Milk Biscuit - PIRAQUÊ - 160g - Promotion
Bananinha Cremosa - OLIVEIRA - unidade - Mon Petit Brésil
Creamy Banana Zero Sugar - OLIVEIRA - unit
Suco Pronto de Caju - MAGUARY - 1L - Mon Petit Brésil
Brigadeiro - 10 units - Approximately 175g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website) Brigadeiro - 10 units - Approximately 175g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website)
Suco Concentrado de Maracujá - MAGUARY - 500ml - Mon Petit Brésil
Paçoca rolha (Barre fine d'arachide) - MORENINHA DO RIO - 300g - Mon Petit Brésil
Beijinho - 10 units - Approximately 175g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website)
Mistura para Pão de Queijo (Préparation à Pain au Fromage) - PINDUCA - 1kg - Mon Petit Brésil
Sweet popcorn (Pipoca Doce) - Bilu - 45g
Candle for Clay Filter - SALUTE - unit
Palm Oil - AROMA DE MINAS - 150ml
Garlic and Oregano Cheese Bread - Frozen Product (Frozen Garlic and Oregano Cheese Bread) - Saúda - 260g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after order completion on the website)
Puff pastry for pastel - Frozen product (Frozen pastel dough) - Saúda - 400g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after the order is completed on the website)
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Beef Bouillon Cubes (Caldo de Carne) - KNORR - 16 cubes - 152g - Promotion
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Chicken Bouillon Cubes (Caldo de Galinha) - KNORR - 16 cubes - 152g (Promotion)
Chicken broth cube (Caldo de Galinha) - MAGGI - 57g - Promotion
Raspberry Lollipop - Unit (Raspberry Lollipop) - 7 BELO - unit
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€0,00 /kg
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Powdered chocolate (Nescau chocolate powder) - NESTLÉ - 200g
Leite de Coco - COCO DO VALE - 200ml - Mon Petit Brésil
Tempero Legumes - SAZÓN - 60g - Mon Petit Brésil
Instant Noodles Chicken - PREDILECTA - 74.3g
Passatempo Milk Biscuits - NESTLÉ - 150g
Peanut Powder (Paçoca Farofa) RIO - 1kg - Promotion
Arroz Branco (Riz blanc) - TIO JOÃO - 1kg - Mon Petit Brésil
Malted Milk and Coconut Biscuit - (Biscoito Leite Maltado de Coco) - PIRAQUÊ - 132g
Biscoito Goiabinha (Biscuits à la goyave) - PIRAQUÊ - 75g - Mon Petit Brésil
Bolacha Passatempo Morango (Biscuits Fourrés fraise “Passatempo”) - NESTLÉ - 130g - Mon Petit Brésil
Chocolate Chokito (Chocolat brésilien Chokito) - NESTLÉ - 33g - Mon Petit Brésil
Chocolate Diamante Negro (Diamant Noir) - LACTA - 20g - Mon Petit Brésil
Calabrian sausages (Linguiça Calabresa) - MABIJU - 300g
Creamy Garlic Sauce with Herbs - SINHÁ - 145ml
Peanut powder sweetness coated in chocolate shaped like a cork (Paçoca Rolha Coberta c/ Chocolate) MORENINHA DO RIO - 500g
Hydrated Tapioca - MABIJU - 1kg
Potato – straw (Batata Palha) - KAITO - 500g
Polvilho Azedo (Polvilho Aigre - Amidon de Manioc Aigre) - PINDUCA - 500g - Mon Petit Brésil
Fried Coxinha (Chicken) (frozen) 500g pack (Frozen Fried Chicken Coxinha) Small (25 units) 500g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after order completion on the website) Fried Coxinha (Chicken) (frozen) 500g pack (Frozen Fried Chicken Coxinha) Small (25 units) 500g (Frozen - Shipping paid separately after order completion on the website)