

I missed Brazilian food but don't have the right utensil, here we have 
"cuscuz steamer, molds, pressure cookers, popcorn maker, gourds, and even pumps for preparing chimarrão or tereré." 


38 products
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Flag of Brazil
(Joint for Pressure Cooker) - Gasket for Pressure Pot - PANELUX - unit
Fabric coffee filter - unit
Small Plastic Handle Cloth Strainer - COLONIAL - unit
Gourd for mate (Common Porongo Chimarrão Cup) - GARIBALDI - unit
Northeastern Couscoussier 11 cm - Individual (Northeastern Cuscuzeira 11 (Individual)) - NUTRI-FAMILY
Cuscuzeira 11 (Individual) - PANELUX - Mon Petit Brésil
Cuscuzeira 16 (Pequena) - PANELUX -  2.2 litros - Mon Petit Brésil
Cuscuzeira 18 (Média) - PANELUX - 3 litros - Mon Petit Brésil
Couscoussier 16 cm - Medium (Couscoussier 16 (Medium) - MSR - 2L
Couscoussier 14 cm - Small (Couscoussier 14 (Small)) - MSR - 1L
Esponja de Aço - BOMBRIL - 60g - Mon Petit Brésil
Coffee filters (Paper Filter 103) - MELITTA
Cake Mold - 24cm - HOME 7
Cake Mold (Cake Pan) - 26cm - HOME 7
Ribbed Flan Mold (Ribbed Pudding Mold) - 16cm - HOME 7
Forma para Pudim - PANELUX - Mon Petit Brésil
Bottle for Tereré - APORTS
Thermal Bottle (Thermal Jug) - TERMOLAR - 1L Thermal Bottle (Thermal Jug) - TERMOLAR - 1L
Thermal bottle (Thermal Jug) - TERMOLAR - 500ml
Kit Chimarrão - Cuia e bomba - Mon Petit Brésil
Pressure Cooker - MEGA ALUMINUM - 4.5L
Pressure Cooker - MISTER COOK - 4.5L
Pressure Cooker - PANELUX - 3L
Pressure Cooker - PANELUX - 4.5L
Pressure Cooker - PANELUX - 7L
Red Pressure Cooker (Non-Stick Pressure Pot) - MISTER COOK - 4.5L
Popcorn Casserole (Pipoqueira) - MSR - 3.4L
Pipoqueira PANELUX - 3.5L - Mon Petit Brésil
Coconut Soap - YPÊ - 180g
Coffee filter support (Support for Coffee Filter) - MELITTA - 102
Filter Holder - MELITTA - 103
Tapioca Maker - TAPY Tapioca Maker - TAPY
Candle for Clay Filter - SALUTE - unit
Smooth Chimarrão Straw (Smooth Chimarrão Bomba) - Garibaldi - 23cm
Bombilla for Chimarrão (Bomba for Chimarrão) - Garibaldi - 23cm (Copy)
Clay Filter - In-Store Exclusive (Clay Filter - SÃO PEDRO - 2L In-Store Exclusive)
Clay Filter - Exclusive in Store - SÃO PEDRO - 8L