

Market leader in Sweets, such as Guava, Bananada, Pumpkin Jam with Coconut, Marrom Glacê and Jellies!

It has high quality standards and indescribable flavors!


20 products
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Goiabada Cascão - PREDILECTA - 350g - Mon Petit Brésil
Cascão Guava - PREDILECTED - 350g
Sale price€4,99
€14,26 /kg
5 reviews
Poli Guava - PREDILECTA - 250g
Poli Guava - PREDILECTA - 250g
Sale price€5,74
€22,96 /kg
6 reviews
Canned Guava - PREDILECTA - 600g
Canned Guava - PREDILECTA - 600g
Sale price€13,95
€23,25 /kg
1 review
Guava Jelly - PREDILECTA - 230g
Guava Jelly - PREDILECTA - 230g
Sale price€4,86
€21,13 /kg
No reviews
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Mocotó Jelly Natural Flavor - PREDILECTA - 180g
Bananada Bloco (Patê de fruit à la banane) - PREDILECTA - 350g - Mon Petit Brésil
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Bananada Lata (Pâté de fruit à la banana) - PREDILECTA - 600g
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Doce de Abóbora com Coco - PREDILECTA - 600g - Mon Petit Brésil
Brown Icing Can - PREDILECTA - 600g
Brown Icing Can - PREDILECTA - 600g
Sale price€14,78
€24,63 /kg
1 review
Free Range Chicken Instant Pasta - PREDILEECTA - 74.3g
Marrom Glacê Bloco PREDILECTA - 350g - Mon Petit Brésil
PREDILECTA Block Icing Brown - 350g
Sale price€6,77
€19,34 /kg
1 review
Goiabada Bloco - PREDILECTA - 300g - Mon Petit Brésil
Guava Block - PREDILECTA - 300g
Sale price€4,79
€15,97 /kg
2 reviews
Goiabada Poli - PREDILECTA - 600g - Mon Petit Brésil
Poli Guava - PREDILECTA - 600g
Sale price€8,49
€14,15 /kg
1 review
Creamy Guava - PREDILECTA - 320g
Creamy Guava - PREDILECTA - 320g
Sale price€7,98
€24,94 /kg
No reviews
Poli Guava - PREDILECTA - 500g
Poli Guava - PREDILECTA - 500g
Sale price€8,99
€17,98 /kg
1 review
Meat flavor Instant Noodles - PREDILECTA - 74.3g
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Raspberry flavor Mocotó Jelly - PREDILECTA - 180g
Mini Guava - PREDILECTA - 30g - unit
Pâte de Fruit à la Goyave en boite (Doce de Goiaba Cremosa Lata)  - Zélia - 400g
Pâte de fruit à la banane en boite (Doce de Banana Cremoso Lata) - Zélia - 400g Pâte de fruit à la banane en boite (Doce de Banana Cremoso Lata) - Zélia - 400g